Tuesday, June 17, 2008

City Lights Sunday: For TheElementary


paris parfait June 17, 2008 at 10:59 AM  

Bravo - love these photos and your adventurous spirit and willingness to explore your talents and abilities! xoxox

Phyllis Hunt McGowan June 17, 2008 at 11:33 AM  

Thank you thank you... This is my idea of heaven. To browse in dusty corners like this. I love your city. I promise I'm visiting that store when I go there. When. :)
I adore that 'abandon all despair..." photo. You knew I would.

Relyn Lawson June 17, 2008 at 2:50 PM  

I love the juxtaposition of the three distinct architectural styles on the last photo. I would love to see more of photos with the focus on these three buildings.

tangobaby June 17, 2008 at 4:32 PM  

Again, my darling girls are here in my virtual parlor...

Dear Paris Parfait,

If I hadn't spent months ogling your photos, I'm sure I wouldn't be here today. Your pics always give me a vicarious thrill and I'm glad we can share our love of photography too.

Dear TheElementary,

As soon as you had mentioned that you love pictures of books, I had resolved immediately to be on the lookout for things you would love. City Lights is a great shop to browse, sit, look out the window, but its history and the poetry room upstairs somehow infuse the place with a little more spirit than other bookstores. When I ascended the stairs into the Poetry Room, where all the Beat poets met and read, I knew I had to start taking some pictures for you.

Yes, that one photo I knew you would love. It's just near the threshold to go outside...or inside...

Dear Relyn,

Thank you for noticing that. That photo was exactly what I had in mind when I saw that sight, before I pulled out my camera.

It's funny how many people love to take pictures of the Transamerica building, where to me it is only made interesting by the other buildings near it.

Anonymous,  June 18, 2008 at 8:58 AM  

Great photos of one of my favorite bookstores of all time! An icon of the beatnik era, founded in 1953 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, City Lights bookstore is a must-see if you want to understand San Francisco's history. You can even pick up a book on how to read the Chinese characters on the awnings of San Francisco's Chinatown there! ;-)

I also love sipping a cappuccino at Cafe Vesuvio next door for the ultimate time warp experience back to the beatnik era.

Great choice for the first post of your new blog!

tangobaby June 18, 2008 at 12:56 PM  

Dutchbaby, you are so special.

I have to say that I did not go to Vesuvio's (even though I know it is another stop on the Beat's trail) but instead to Caffe Grecco and had a double macchiato and some plum tart.

And sat outside as people walked by my little cafe table in heaven.

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